Hello Food Holics, Struggling Cooks and Kitchenphobics...
In this blog, I will put up simple recipes. By simple, I mean, straight forward, in Layman's terms recipes. Tips on cooking and shopping on a budget, tips to good restaurants and deals, tips on shopping and choosing good ingredients and more. And, since this is a blog, I will also share with you my experiences as I cook these meals, or my previous experiences as a young cook.
You see, I am just like you guys, I was not born a clone of Julia Child or Rachel Ray. ( who by the way, ROCKS! I will post some of her recipes that I have tried here) I was a struggling cook who burnt eggs. YES, EGGS. I was scared to death of the Knife (always thought I would cut my arm off) and can't boil water right. My mom called me hopeless and thought I would never learn how to cook. But, as time passed by, and about 10 million Food Network shows later, I learned the basics and I learned to get over my fear of the kitchen and now, I live there. ^_^
So, It is not over yet. If you are a college student tired of yucky cafeteria food, a busy mom, busy worker or just simply dont want to spend the whole day cooking, please read my blog. Comments are welcome, Suggestions even and discussions too. You can email me questions and other things to foodflash@gmail.com.
Let's start this FOOD BLOGGING!
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